Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The King Does Not Know

If I were king of the United States (Not president because I need absolute power) I would quickly set about dismantling entire sectors of our Federal government. The devil is in the details so lets not bother with all that now. The important point is my motivation.

You see, I do not know what is best for you or our 300+ million fellow citizens. Therefore my lack of knowledge must compel me to remove as many burdens or any other interferences brought on by the Federal government as possible.

I do not know what kind of car you need, what you should feed your kids, how much money you should make, what school you should attend, which doctor to visit, or any other major or minor aspect of your life. I don't even know your name. How can a decent, benevolent King with so little knowledge tolerate such an intrusion on his citizens?

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